Logokürzel Alte Feuerwache Mannheim

The Intersphere

16. Januar 2022

Einlass 19:00
Beginn 20:00


In Kooperation mit DELTA-KONZERTE.de

Nach zwei Verlegungen haben The Intersphere sich leider entschlossen, ihre Tour komplett abzusagen. Das Konzert am 16.1.22 wird also ersatzlos entfallen.
Hier das Statement der Band:
We’ll make it short: The Interspheres >< Atmospheres Anniversary Tour is cancelled and will not be postponed again. The reason is obvious, because the current situation with Covid makes a realization of the shows in January pretty much impossible. On the one hand there are the respective requirements and restrictions from the authorities. On the other hand, we don’t think it is justifiable to party with many people in hot clubs while health care workers have long since exceeded their stress limits. Such a tour requires a lot of planning and preparation, both for us and for the teams of the clubs and all others involved. With a heavy heart we had to make this decision now, in order to create the greatest possible clarity for all of us. All tickets can be returned at the point of purchase.

We hope for your understanding and assure you that it is extremely difficult for us to take this step together with everyone involved behind the scenes. The
 album means a lot to us, which is why we’re putting our heads together at our camp to see how we can still honor it in the coming months.

Speaking of the coming months: We’re also not postponing the tour again because we have big plans for the new year – including you, of course! We’re
 looking ahead, so let’s do everything we can to say goodbye to this virus and enjoy what comes next together!

Stay safe,
Christoph, Moritz, Thomas and Daniel“

Bereits gekaufte Tickets können dort, wo sie gekauft wurden zurückgegeben werden. Die Rückabwicklung bei Online-Kunden erfolgt automatisch über Reservix/Adticket.

Über die Aktion #seidabeiSchenkDeinTicket hat man die Möglichkeit, seine online-Tickets uns, dem Veranstalter, zu überlassen und somit ein Zeichen der Solidarität zu setzen. https://ticketmagazin.reservix.de/schenk-dein-ticket