Symposium „The more the merrier“
Studio Feuerwache
21. März 2015
Beginn 10:00
Beim diesjährigen Symposium des Jetztmusik Festivals wird sich thematisch alles um (internationale) kulturelle Netzwerke drehen. Das ganztägige Symposium wird Wissenschaftler, Experten, Unternehmensvertreter, Praktiker und die internationalen Vertreter des UNESCO Creative Cities Subnetzwerks „Musik“ zu Gast haben, die gemeinsam darüber diskutieren werden, welche Bedeutung Netzwerke für die Arbeit in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft haben, wie wir diese vielleicht noch effektiver und produktiver nutzen können und wie sich unsere Arbeitsweisen durch Netzwerke bereits jetzt verändert haben und noch verändern werden.
Gesellschaft für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung e.V. i.Gr. (GMM) präsentiert:
Panel 1: Analyzing Cultural Networks
“Mehr Wert durch Musik. Eine empirische Studie zu Wertschöpfungspotentialen des Clustermanagement Musikwirtschaft Mannheim & Region”
Panel 2: Managing Networks
Apart from the naive and trivial assumption of everything being connected, we find ourselves in a world that is increasingly interwoven and interdependent. How does this effect our work? How important are networks for our job? How do you manage your network? How has communication in and through networks changed and what can we learn from that? What are your priorities in terms of managing and engaging with your networks? What are some of the central advantages for us when being actively engaged in a network? How have the production and the reception of art, music and culture changed through network structures?
Panel 3: Collaboration in International Networks
Networking undoubtedly becomes more complex and also difficult, costly and time-consuming when engaging in international and cross-cultural networks? What are the benefits for cities and its active participants being part of the UNESCO Creative Cities network? What are some of the challenges of working in an international network? Are tasks and goals necessarily a bit more abstract? What are some of the common goals of the subnetwork? What are some of the projects that the network is already working on? How can the knowledge and expertise of the respective cities be transferred to other cities in the network? How can joint projects enable people in the music industry to transcend national and cultural borders more easily? How can networks be most effectively used in order to support local individuals? What are the economic advantages of an international network?